The Baby House

We give the development of the senses much attention at the Baby House. Quiet gestures, gentle touches and soft and melodious speaking or singing are most soothing for the very sensitive senses of the baby. At bedtime the babies are wrapped in accordance with the guidelines designed by anthroposophic nurses for this particular purpose. Naturally parents can also choose not to wrap their child. The layout of the playing and sleeping quarters, the toys, the colour schemes are all designed to ensure that the delicate senses are not overstimulated.

A baby needs much sleep and not to be disturbed by noise or ruckus. The Baby House has a private sleeping area, with little cots for the precious ones. We also have special outdoor beds for the (older) babies, it is wonderful for their health. Of course this space is highly visible from the main baby area.

Warm atmosphere
Over at the Bijtjes and Hommeltjes in the Baby House there is an atmosphere of peace, warmth and security. We place great importance on the warmth of a child, not only in the physical sense, but also the emotional one. The level of contentness and happiness in a baby is mostly measured by his/her physical condition, because the baby's body is the most important tool to experience the world.

This is of vital importance to a baby, it gives the child the security and tranquility needed to put all their energy into his/her physical/ motorial development. At the baby house we provide a quiet daily routine with a rhythmic alternation of waking, sleeping and eating.

Secure attachment for the baby is the basic prerequisite for the establishment of trust in the people around them.  A child who has been able to engage in a positive relationship with other people will have an easier time engaging in positive relationships later in life. In order for the bonding process to be as healthy and natural as possible, much attention is devoted to this in the baby house; the interaction with the babies is most subtle. This way his signals are noticed and he can sense that. Lots of chatter and singing during one-on-one contact certainly helps the bonding process.

If the baby is no longer a baby……
The baby house provides everything the babies need for a balanced and healthy physical development. The road travelled by the baby until he/ she gets up and stars to waddle is a very fascinating time. The teachers closely monitor the process and record these observations. If we notice in the behaviour of the baby that he/she is ready for a new stage, which is naturally discussed with parents, the baby will be moved to one of the toddler groups. This is usually the case when a child is capable of standing on his own two feet, walking around and are starting to pay attention to their surroundings. Of course there are also exceptions when a child is not yet running around but shows in other signs that he is nonetheless ready for the next step. Making good observations and respecting the individuality of the child is crucial in determining when they are ready to transfer to another development group.

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